DVF 2024
A selection of photos from our 2024 Festival - you'll find even more on our Facebook page!
Alex - winner of Write your own monologue “ 16yrs and over.png
Art entries for the 8yrs and under competition.jpg
Ava winner of the Ben Bailey Trophy.jpg
Certificate winners of the “Own Poem” classes.jpg
Entries for the Art Competition 11-15yrs and the Digital Art Competition.jpg
Entries for the photography competition.jpg
Esme & Seren - songs from the stage or screen - 13yrs and under.jpg
Olivia- Most Outstanding Competitor of the Speech & Drama section.jpg
Poppy - winner of songs from the shows under 8yrs.jpg
Ryan - winner of piano sonata class and Romantic & Impressionist class.jpg
Sophie - winner of the prose class 8,9 &10yrs and Storytelling Class under 12yrs.jpg
Sophie- Prose under 7yrs.jpg
Sophie- winner of Prose Class 11&12yrs.jpg

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